We create your website with WordPress

Ask our experts for the website of your dreams!

Choose WordPress for your website, the world's most popular website creation platform, known for its ease of use, constant development and focus on search engine optimization.

Discover the functions of each design package

Choose your WordPress package



These themes (valued at €60) allow you to have an original and unique website compared to others

After the project is completed, you will be able to manage your website independently


For example: Home, Company Introduction, Product Page, About Us, and Contact

Your potential customers can request information and leave their contact details

The pages of your website adapt to all screen sizes

Provide your address to attract customers

We notify Google about your new website so that it is considered faster

We will install an extension that allows you to easily manage your SEO

Make sharing your website pages on social networks easier

This plugin enhances the security of your website

Your website will load faster

Comply with cookie policies

We install the most suitable plugin for your analytics needs

We will integrate a blog into your website

This allows users to receive blog posts via email

Allows you to highlight news, products, and offers


Our designer is available by phone and email during the project implementation


At the end of the project, you will receive training on managing your website


We will publish the translated version of your website. If you need multiple languages for your shop, ask us for a quote



These themes (valued at €60) allow you to have an original and unique website compared to others

After the project is completed, you will be able to manage your website independently


For example: Home, Company Introduction, Product Page, About Us, and Contact

Your potential customers can request information and leave their contact details

The pages of your website adapt to all screen sizes

Provide your address to attract customers

We notify Google about your new website so that it is considered faster

We will install an extension that allows you to easily manage your SEO

Make sharing your website pages on social networks easier

This plugin enhances the security of your website

Your website will load faster

Comply with cookie policies

We install the most suitable plugin for your analytics needs

We will integrate a blog into your website

This allows users to receive blog posts via email

Allows you to highlight news, products, and offers


Our designer is available by phone and email during the project implementation


At the end of the project, you will receive training on managing your website


We will publish the translated version of your website. If you need multiple languages for your shop, ask us for a quote



These themes (valued at €60) allow you to have an original and unique website compared to others

After the project is completed, you will be able to manage your website independently


For example: Home, Company Introduction, Product Page, About Us, and Contact

Your potential customers can request information and leave their contact details

The pages of your website adapt to all screen sizes

Provide your address to attract customers

We notify Google about your new website so that it is considered faster

We will install an extension that allows you to easily manage your SEO

Make sharing your website pages on social networks easier

This plugin enhances the security of your website

Your website will load faster

Comply with cookie policies

We install the most suitable plugin for your analytics needs

We will integrate a blog into your website

This allows users to receive blog posts via email

Allows you to highlight news, products, and offers


Our designer is available by phone and email during the project implementation


At the end of the project, you will receive training on managing your website


We will publish the translated version of your website. If you need multiple languages for your shop, ask us for a quote

Domain Name and Hosting: The price of the web design package does not include the domain name and web hosting. Additionally, for security reasons, the new website must be hosted at Swizzonic.ch.
Website Content: If the customer does not supply the texts, images and translations themselves, costs will be incurred. These will be declared in the quotation according to the work involved.

More languages on your website

If you need your website in multiple languages, inform your designer about it. They will then take this into account when developing your proposal.

Swizzonic does not translate content: All website content must be provided by the customer.


If you don't have images or if the quality is insufficient, our team can search for images for you in free or paid image databases.

Note: This service is offered upon request depending on the number of images; the costs for paid images are not included.

Do you need a customised website? Our designers will take care of it.

Contact us and request your free quote.

Why should you choose WordPress for your website?

WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world.

Responsive Design

WordPress allows us to create responsive websites: The website and the administration system automatically adapt to all devices (computers, tablets or smartphones). In addition, Google favours the ranking of responsive websites.

Good search engine optimisation (SEO)

The WordPress code is optimised for search engines, so websites created with WordPress are usually well positioned on Google. In addition, several SEO plugins allow you to proactively improve the organic positioning of the website.


WordPress has a fairly intuitive user interface, so administration is easy for the user and no programming knowledge is required. You can develop and update your new website without the help of a professional.

A large community around WordPress

The enormous popularity of this platform and the fact that WordPress is open source have created a large community of developers and users who share their questions, solutions, tutorials, etc. on numerous websites and forums.

Thousands of plugins

There are thousands of WordPress extensions (or plugins) that allow you to implement almost any function you want for your website. These small programs allow you to extend the standard functions of your website (e.g. spam protection, search engine optimisation, statistics, e-commerce, forms, social networks, etc.).


The WordPress user interface is translated into more than 40 languages so that you can work comfortably in your preferred language. In addition, WordPress offers several plugins that make it easier to translate content into different languages.

You're unsure which option is best for your project? Call us at 044 253 99 44, and we'll be happy to assist you.

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  • How to install a Wordpress website?

    Firstly, you need to make sure that you choose the right blogging platform for your website. You should choose a platform that offers you the flexibility and freedom to develop your website without restrictions.

    Next, you need to sign up for a WordPress hosting account so that you can set up your website. All websites on the internet need to be hosted. Hosting is where your website will be installed on the internet.

    You will also need a domain name. This will be the address of your website on the internet that your users will type into their browsers to access your WordPress website (e.g. Swizzonic.ch or wordpress.org).

    We would like to remind you that Swizzonic is an official partner for WordPress hosting.

    Once you have signed up for a hosting account, you can go ahead and install WordPress. You can find a full step-by-step guide on how to start a WordPress website, and in a few minutes you'll be up and running to create your website.
    The easiest way if you want to save yourself all the steps of installing WordPress to create your website is through Swizzonic, as we pre-install WordPress on your website so it's ready to go.

  • Since Wordpress is open source, why do I have to pay for my website created with Worpress?

    Although wordpress itself is free, you need a web hosting account and a domain name (e.g. in .de, .com or .org) to create a website directly. This is what will cost you money.

    You can start by signing up for a shared hosting account, which Swizzonic offers you in its WordPress website package. After that, you can use a free WordPress theme with essential free plugins to get started. This would cost you about less than 50€ per year with Swizzonic, including hosting and domain name .

    As your website grows, you will need more features, tools and services to better serve your users. Some of these services and tools will cost additional money. Your goal will be to reduce costs while providing the best experience for your users.

    At Swizzonic, our package will tell you how much it really costs to create a WordPress website.

  • Is it possible to create a WordPress website without plugins?

    Yes absolutely, it is not necessary to install plugins when creating a wordpress website. Many wordpress websites are commercial websites that do not use blog-related features. wordpress started as a blog platform, but is now a full-fledged CMS and application framework.

    You can create a website using pages only. If you want to disable your website completely, you can find information in a guide on how to easily disable the functions of your wordpress website.

  • How do you install plugins on a WordPress website?

    If you are subscribed to wordpress with Swizzonic, some plugins will already be installed. To install more, follow the guide :).
    Plugins are like applications for your WordPress website. They allow you to add additional features to your website such as contact forms, photo galleries, etc.

    To install plugins, you must first visit the Plugins ‘ Add new page in the administration area of wordpress. Then you need to search for the plugin you are looking for by entering keywords (such as a photo gallery, contact form, etc.).

    If you know the name of the plugin you want to install, you can simply enter the name of the plugin.

    Search for a WordPress plugin.
    In the search results, click on the ‘Install’ button next to the plugin you want to install and WordPress will install it for you on your website.

    You will then need to click on the activation button to start using the plugin.

    You can also install plugins that are sold by third-party developers. These plugins are delivered in the form of a zip file.

    Simply go to Plugins ‘Add new page’, then click the download button and your website will contain the plugins. Each plugin has its own installation instructions.
    If you get stuck despite the instructions, contact Swizzonic, who will install Wordpress on your website.

  • Which theme should I choose for my WordPress website?

    Themes are the look and feel of your WordPress website. There are thousands of free and paid WordPress themes available for every type of website. We'll walk you through below and explain step by step how to install a theme on your WordPress website.

    Firstly, you need to decide whether you want to use the free or premium theme. Premium WordPress themes come with guaranteed support and updates.

    This does not mean that free WordPress themes are of poor quality. In fact, free WordPress themes available in the WordPress.org themes directory go through a very rigorous vetting process.

    You also need to consider your target audience, your website's themes, compatibility with plugins and language requirements.

    The theme is a powerful tool as it will represent your company's image to your visitors through your WordPress website. Therefore, take the time to carefully select the theme before installation.

  • Why create a Wordpress website?

    Wordpress is unanimously recognised as the easiest CMS to use. It is also the CMS that is most frequently updated via wordpress.org. As it is an open source CMS, you benefit from all these updates for your Wordpress website. You only need to install the plugins you are interested in. There are often tutorials that serve as a guide for the correct use of the tools provided to you. So when you create a WordPress website, you benefit from an advanced CMS with numerous tools that are constantly being developed. A WordPress website is therefore ideal if you want to easily expand the content of your website.

  • Why create a WordPress website with Swizzonic?

    Swizzonic is the assurance that your WordPress website will work, as it comes pre-installed on your website. You also benefit from a high quality web hosting provider that ensures you have access to your blog or website at all times. If you want to create a Wordpress website, Swizzonic offers you a Wordpress package that includes everything you need to get your website up and running as soon as you sign up. All you have to worry about is the content or articles you want to write.
    In addition, with Swizzonic you get at least one free domain name in .de, .com, .org). The domain name is the address of your website. It is impossible to create a website (whether with Wordpress or not) without a domain name. A domain name is usually subject to a fee, but Swizzonic offers it to you with your Wordpress package. So don't hesitate any longer and choose Swizzonic as your Wordpress hosting provider.

  • What can the menu of our website be customised with wordpress?

    Many things can be customised with a tool like wordpress so that you can create your own menu. The navigation menu is a collection of links that take visitors to different areas of your website. The menu usually appears at the top of a website.

    WordPress comes with a simple system for managing navigation menus. It allows you to easily create a menu by adding links and displaying them in the locations specified by your theme.
    You should think carefully when creating your menu because if it is poorly thought out, it can put your visitors off.
    Your menu should contain the most important pages or sections of your wordpress website.
    With Wordpress, you can not only customise your menu, but also adapt it to the needs of your Wordpress website. So the advantage is that the menu is not rigid if you want to create a WordPress website.

  • Are there different types of content on wordpress?

    Wordpress is a tool that allows you to create different types of content, such as articles. It is important to distinguish between articles and a page. If both are content, articles are more like a blog, while a page is a type of content that is more like a website. However, you can link articles on your website to create more content and generate more traffic to your WordPress website.

  • Is wordpress extensible?

    Yes, wordpress is actually a toolbox in which the developers create a tool that is of interest to the community. And since wordpress is open source, every user can benefit from this tool if they want to.

  • What is wordpress.org?

    WordPress.org, often referred to as self-hosted WordPress, is the free open source WordPress software that you can install on your own web hosting to create a website that is 100% yours.

  • Can I choose a .com extension for a Wordpress website?

    Yes, you have the choice of extension, it is not tied to Wordpress but to your domain name, and at Swizzonic you have the choice of numerous extensions, including dot com, to create your url. Make sure you choose your extension intelligently, as it is the foundation of your website. A .com extension is often used because it is the most recognised extension in the world. A .com extension allows you to be seen everywhere, while a .fr extension is more tailored to the French market. However, if you run a blog and write an article in French, a com extension is not appropriate.

  • Is it advisable to choose wordpress in the case of a blog?

    Yes, this is the best choice because writing an article is very easy (wordpress was created to write articles) and adding an article is very easy). Even if you don't know how to use a CMS, wordpress has a simple base as you can insert blocks for each article which act as paragraphs of your article. Wordpress therefore offers you numerous possibilities, such as adding a logo or an image to your article, but also hyperlinks. You can then divide your blog into different tabs, each tab being called a category in Wordpress. All this is possible without any technical knowledge. For this reason, wordpress is a simple solution that is very popular. Don't forget that it is an open source solution, which means that you constantly benefit from new developments that you can download.
    Ultimately, even with the basic option and without plugins, you have enough tips and resources to optimise your blog or article. Now all you have to do is get started!

  • Is search engine optimisation taken into account?

    Yes in the dashboard or interface of your article you have the option to use yoast.
    Yoast seo shows you how to configure your seo, especially the length of each title so that every word is visible on the screen. So with yoast you get advice on how to optimise your seo.
    If you want a more comprehensive solution, you need to download plugins that you need to configure.

  • Can Swizzonic create the design of my Wordpress website?

    Yes Swizzonic can create a complete design for your blog or website. We design the site the way you want it, following the specifications you give us regarding the tree structure of the site (i.e. the theme, the number of tabs, we add your logo). Your website will no longer look like a standard website, but will be personalised with your logo and image! Ask us for a quote to turn your basic website into a personalised website, make the right choice and you will save time!

What about Swizzonic?

Part of team.blue, leader in digital services in Europe

Largest domain portfolio in Switzerland

Swiss cloud and server location

Years of experience and expertise as digital partner