If the domain you want has already been registered, we'll identify its owner and contact them to negotiate its purchase at the best price.
We manage C&D applications to remove all trademark infringements on domains registered by third parties over which you have no control.
If you have a registered trademark, our legal team will assess the domain recovery viability and best strategies to obtain it before the authorities.
All negotiations are anonymous. Your company's name will be kept entirely confidential throughout the whole process.
Our top priorities are to successfully recover your domain and provide you with timely advice. Let one of our specialists help you achieve your goals.
Our long-standing market experience guarantees our reliability at every step of the domain recovery process.
Our team of specialists is ready to offer you customized advice on the best strategy to get the domain name you want.
Payment is made only when we are in full control of the domain. We operate under the highest standards of security to guarantee our clients a safe transaction.
We've been working in domain recovery for numerous years. Thanks to our market experience we can recommend the best way for you to recover the domain you want.
We can try to help you get the domain you want, even if someone else has already registered it. Let one of our specialists take care of the negotiations for you.
We’ll try to purchase the domain name you want for the best price possible, helping you make a strategic domain investment. There are no additional costs if we don’t successfully recover the domain.
For 30 days one of our experts will try to recover your domain and negotiate with the current owner. Everything will be done with total transparency depending on the budget you have indicated.
We’ll take care of all the administrative and financial aspects, including the transfer of the domain and the change of ownership. We’ll give you strategic advice at every step along the way
The Domain Recovery Service also includes the following:
We’ll carry out a detailed analysis to fully understand the domain you want, including who currently owns it and its current market position
For 30 days, one of our experts will be dedicated to contacting the current owner in order to make an offer and attempt to purchase the domain
At every step along the way, we'll share information with you and provide you with timely updates on our progress. We'll negotiate the best price possible based on your budget.
We take care of the recovery of your domain from start to finish. We find out who owns the domain and how much they want for it.
We take care of organizing the transfer of the domain transfer and the change of ownership, including all the paperwork. You'll find the domain on your control panel.
Following a successful recovery, we'll maintain your new domain name for one year.
We remove any online trademark abuse activity
We send the C&D when a domain name is cybersquatted and the legitimate brand can't register it.
We send the C&D when a trademark is being infringed by using other terms or similar characters to deceive users and carry out phishing and malware attacks.
With C&D, our legal team dismantles fraudulent websites and block domain names to avoid malicious uses from third parties. Sometimes, it can lead to a domain name purchase.
Recover domain attributed to your name or your brand.
Administrative Recovery is a service that allows you to challenge the registration of a domain and to obtain the reallocation following all the administrative practices (Mandatory Administrative Procedures).
If the domain your are interested in is identical or easily mistaken to another one registered, or if an infringement or abuse impacting your brand's reputations, our legal experts will help your recover the domain name.
We will take care of every procedure needed, according to current regulations, to recover a domain that is being used for ill purposes, cybersquatting or impersonation.
Administrative Recovery also includes:
We carefully analyze your domain, its history as well as your target market, evaluating all potential opportunities.
Before you proceed with any kind of administrative action, we'll provide a free appraisal to evaluate the real chances of successfully recovering your domain.
We have numerous partnerships with legal experts who support our domain specialists. We're ready to help you find the best solution for recovering your domain.
We'll analyze who owns the legitimate rights to the domain based on when the trademark and the domain name were registered, examining fraudulent or misuse of your brand name.
We'll take care of all the technical and bureaucratic procedures involved in changing the ownership and transferring your new domain.
We value sharing information at every step along the way. While offering our clients the highest level of confidentially, we provide regular updates to keep you up-to-date throughout the entire process.
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8.00am to 5:00pm, Swiss time.